Summer Program Opportunities

College-Based Summer Programs

Additional Summer Programs

  • Health Careers Institute at Dartmouth - The Health Careers Institute at Dartmouth is offered during July and August for high school students entering grades 10, 11, and 12. Students who have expressed an interest in working in health care or want to know more about clinical and non-clinical health careers, while learning about important issues and topics in health care today, are encouraged to apply.  
  • NH Police Cadet Training Academy - This is a week long program for students ages 14 to 20 who are interested in a career in law enforcement.
  • St. Paul's Advanced Studies Program - Provides talented New Hampshire public and parochial high school students with challenging educational opportunities otherwise unavailable to them.  Students apply in the fall of their junior year for attendance in the summer before their senior year of high school.  The summer session stresses academic and personal growth, as students learn to live together and share in the school community.  The program attempts to achieve a balance between the necessity for structure and the desire to allow students the freedom to mature in a new environment. The ASP seeks highly motivated students interested in academic challenge, hard work, and a stimulating environment that will encourage them to learn and grow.  The session runs from late June to  mid-July.
  • UNH – InterOperability Lab - Summer Internship Program. "Each year, the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Lab recruits bright, ambitious high school students entering their senior year for a paid internships at our 32,000 square foot networking facility."- From IOL.  


  • Camp Fully Involved at NH Fire Academy - An experience that provides young women with a comprehensive overview of the firefighting profession, will be held at the New Hampshire Fire Academy July 28 - August 2. Cadets, young women 14 (completed the eighth grade) to 20 years old, and who are considering the fire or emergency medical services for a career though those looking for a summer adventure are also welcome. Applications are available at The camp director is Nashua Fire Lieutenant Jess Wyman, [email protected]. For more information, contact Dave Danielson, PIO, NH Fire Academy, (603) 223-4200
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